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Pressure Safety Valves vs. Relief Valves: Whats the Difference?

2025-01-03 19:02:55
Pressure Safety Valves vs. Relief Valves: Whats the Difference?

The Difference Between Pressure Safety Valves and Relief Valves

While pressure safety valves and relief valves look the same, they're not. Inside the systems they're put in, they're used for different purposes, with pressure safety valves being essential in any scenario where a system should remain within a certain range of pressure limits. They act as a safeguard for potential issues if there's excess pressure caused by a failure of the pump, blockage of the pipes, etc. These gas gauge regulator valves open when the pressure goes beyond a certain safe limit. They burst open and vent away excess pressure, keeping the system safe and avoiding the damage that can happen if it builds up too high.

Select the Right Valve for Your System

When it comes to selecting the appropriate valve for your system, it is important for safety and efficiency. If the incorrect valve is used, it may fail to open or close when it should, putting the entire system in a very precarious situation. Following are a few considerations to keep in mind while choosing a valve for your system:

How much pressure does your system require? Each system has a certain pressure at which it must be operated safely.

What is the peak pressure your system can handle? This inline nitrogen regulator will enter the valve selection process knowing the maximum pressure that the valve must be able to withstand.